Featured Properties Web Service

This Web Service, located at https://secure.idxre.com/ihws/FeaturedPropWebService.cfc?wsdl, exposes the following two methods:

·         getProps: returns XML with all client's featured properties.  View example XML here. Takes the following arguments:

o        uid – Client’s iHomefinder ID number

o        sid – Client’s iHomefinder password

o        propType – Property Type.  Possible values include SFR (Single Family Residences), CND (Condos), FRM (Farms), RI (Residential Income), MH (Mobile Homes), LL (Lots and Land), RNT (Rentals), COM (Commercial)

o        getActiveListings – Get Active Listings (true/false)

o        getPendingSoldListings – Get Pending and Sold Listings (true/false)

·         getPropsByAgentID: returns XML with all the featured properties for one agent under a multi-agent broker account.  Only for use with Office accounts that include Agent Rostering. Takes the following arguments:

o        uid – Client’s iHomefinder ID number

o        sid – Client’s iHomefinder password

o        propType – Property Type.  Possible values include SFR (Single Family Residences), CND (Condos), FRM (Farms), RI (Residential Income), MH (Mobile Homes), LL (Lots and Land), RNT (Rentals), COM (Commercial) 

o        agentID – iHomefinder internal Agent ID (see getAllAgents method in Agent Web Service)

·         getPropsByOfficeID: returns XML with all of an office's featured properties.  Only for use with Office accounts that include Agent Rostering. Takes the following arguments:

o        uid – Client’s iHomefinder ID number

o        sid – Client’s iHomefinder password

o        propType – Property Type.  Possible values include SFR (Single Family Residences), CND (Condos), FRM (Farms), RI (Residential Income), MH (Mobile Homes), LL (Lots and Land), RNT (Rentals), COM (Commercial) 

o        officeID – iHomefinder internal Office ID

·         getPropDetail: returns XML containing listing details.  View example XML here. Takes the following arguments:

o        uid – Client’s iHomefinder ID number

o        sid – Client’s iHomefinder password

o        ListingNumber – MLS Listing ID Number

o        MLSID – iHomefinder MLS Code

o        PropType – Property Type.  Possible values include SFR (Single Family Residences), CND (Condos), FRM (Farms), RI (Residential Income), MH (Mobile Homes), LL (Lots and Land), RNT (Rentals), COM (Commercial)



An example that consumes this web service using ColdFusion is:

<cfinvoke webservice="https://secure.idxre.com/ihws/FeaturedPropWebService.cfc?wsdl"










Where the clientid (uid) is 1, the password (sid) is “password”, the method is “GetProps”.  This returns the response prototype XML format for SFR (single family residential) and RI (residential income) property types.