Subscriber Web Service

This Web Service, located at, exposes the following five methods:

·         getResponsePrototype: returns XML containing all subscriber and email update fields with documentation necessary to build custom daily updates form for specified property types.  Takes the following arguments:

o        uid – company’s iHomefinder client ID number

o        sid – company’s iHomefinder password

o        propType – property type code(s): SFR = houses / condos, LL = lots / land, RI = residential income, MH = mobile home

·         getCityInfo: returns a structure (soap:Map type) containing city id, city name, and state info based on client id.  Takes the following arguments:

o        uid – company’s iHomefinder client ID number

o        sid – company’s iHomefinder password

·         getZipInfo: returns structure (soap:Map type) containing zip code info based on client id.  Takes the following arguments:

o        uid – company’s iHomefinder client ID number

o        sid – company’s iHomefinder password

·         getPriceRange: returns XML containing price range info based on client id and property type.  Takes the following arguments:

o        uid – company’s iHomefinder client ID number

o        sid – company’s iHomefinder password

o        propType – property type code: SFR = houses / condos, LL = lots / land, RI = residential income, MH = mobile home

·         addEmailUpdate: adds daily email update info to database, based on client's id and subscriber email address.  Takes the following arguments:

o        uid – company’s iHomefinder client ID number

o        sid – company’s iHomefinder password

o        XmlDataString – subscriber’s contact information and search parameters in XML format.  An example XMLDataString can be viewed here.  The XmlDataString string must have a root element of "dailyupdatelist" with a "prop_type" attribute (e.g. <dailyupdate prop_type="SFR">). Prop_type options are: RES = houses / condos, LL = lots / land, RI = residential income, MH = mobile home, RNT = rentals, COM = commercial. XMLDataString must contain the following child elements:

§   name – Subscriber’s name

§   email – Subscriber’s email address

§   phone – Subscriber’s phone number

§   password – Subscriber’s password

§   email_format – Subscriber’s preferred email format: 1 = HTML, 0=plain text

§   sendemail_yn – Subscriber’s preference for listing updates: 1 = Email Updates, 0 = Saved Search (not emailed)

§   agent – Agent ID (e.g. <agent>1911</agent>)

§   agent_alt_name – Subscriber’s preferred agent name (if client doesn’t use agent pages)

§   comments – Subscriber’s comments / questions

§   LeadSource – Lead Source tracking information about the subscriber (if client is using lead Source tracking feature)

§   search_type – Search by: city or zip

§   city_list – List of city ids (e.g. <city>72</city>)

§   zip_list – List of zip codes (e.g. <zip>91923</zip>)

§   prop_sub_type_list – List of property types: SFR = houses, CND = condos, FRM = farms, LL = land, RI = residential income, MH = mobile home (e.g. <prop_sub_type>SFR</prop_sub_type>)

§   min_price – Minimum price

§   max_price – Maximum price

§   min_beds – Minimum number of bedrooms

§   min_baths – Minimum number of full bathrooms

§   min_size – Minimum floor area in square feet

§   min_lot_size – Minimum lot size in acres

§   max_age – Maximum age in years

§   garage_required – Garage required (Y=Yes, N=No)

·         getSubscriber: returns XML containing subscriber info based on client id and an email address.  Takes the following arguments:

o        uid – company’s iHomefinder client ID number

o        sid – company’s iHomefinder password

o        email – email address of subscriber

·         updateSubscribers: adds or updates subscriber info based on subscriberID.  Takes the following arguments:

o        uid – company’s iHomefinder client ID number

o        sid – company’s iHomefinder password

o        XmlDataString – subscriber’s contact information in XML format. If no subscriberID is defined in XML, a subscriber record will be added rather than updated.  An example XMLDataString can be viewed here.  The XmlDataString string must have a root element of "SubscriberList", and can contain the following child elements:

§   Activated – Subscriber Activation Status

§   Address – Subscriber’s address

§   Agent – Subscriber’s agent (text name)

§   AgentID – Subscriber’s selected agent ID (ihomefinder internal ID)

§   AutoDisabled_YN – Subscriber’s auto-disabled status

§   AutoDisabledDate – Subscriber’s auto-disabled date

§   City – Subscriber's city

§   Comments – Comments about this subscriber

§   Email – Subscriber's email address

§   Email2 – Subscriber's secondary email

§   FlaggedForDeletion_YN – Subscriber's flagged-for-deletion status

§   FlaggedForDeletionDate – Subscriber's flagged-for-deletion date

§   HTMLemail_YN – Subscriber's email preference (0 = text | 1 = HTML)

§   LeadSource – Lead source

§   Name – Subscriber's name

§   Password – Subscriber's password

§   Phone – Subscriber's phone number

§   Seller_YN – Subscriber's seller status

§   State – Subscriber's state

§   subscriberID – iHomefinder internal subscriber ID (required to update existing subscriber)

§   Zip – Subscriber's zip code



An example that consumes this web service using Cold Fusion is:

<cfinvoke webservice=""




    propType="SFR, RI"




Where the clientid (uid) is 1, the password (sid) is “password”, the method is “GetResponsePrototype”.  This returns the response prototype XML format for SFR (single family residential) and RI (residential income) property types.